Nowadays, consumption habits have changed and the permanent connectivity to smart devices has driven new trends in the world of commerce. We can best visualize this in ecommerce as it is growing at the superior rate of 20% per year.
Easy access to information and the competition for companies to deliver their products quicker and at the lowest price possible as differentiators have contributed to clients’ becoming highly demanding.
Participating in this channel, with the requirement of delivering orders in a maximum of two days from the time of purchase, with traditional means has become extremely expensive.
Because of the reasons previously mentioned, JD Group Logistics, capitalizing on the advantages of the geographic region of Baja California, designed a solution focused on reducing the costs for ecommerce in the United States by basing the preparation of orders from Mexico and utilizing Section 321, a Service IMMEX Program, delivering all of the beneficial services of customs and logistics all under one roof.
This model allows companies not to pay taxes for the seasonal importation of its products to Mexico, save on storage, reduce the cost of preparing orders, and eliminate the paying of taxes in the United States for the consumer for orders less than $800 dollars.
The only restrictions are:
- Declaring the sale price to US Customs
- Shipping to one consignee by day
- No partial orders
- Not applicable to products containing liquor or tobacco
- Not applicable to products regulated by governmental dependencies
We solidify this solution with a technological platform, processes, and certifications that clearly demonstrate the entire chain of logistics and that guarantee the security and lawful assurance of your operations.
To become more competitive, it is not necessary to re-invent the wheel.
Reach out to JD Group Logistics, your strategic ally in logistics solutions.