I guess if you want children beaten, you have to do it yourself. Who are you, my warranty?! Yeah, and if you were the pope they’d be all, “Straighten your pope hat.” And “Put on your good vestments.” Ah, computer dating. It’s like pimping, but you rarely have to use the phrase “upside your head.”
And I’d do it again! And perhaps a third time! But that would be it. Do a flip! Yep, I remember. They came in last at the Olympics, then retired to promote alcoholic beverages! Okay, it’s 500 dollars, you have no choice of carrier, the battery can’t hold the charge and the reception isn’t very…
Fry! Quit doing the right thing, you jerk! Why did you bring us here? No, just a regular mistake. I’m just glad my fat, ugly mama isn’t alive to see this day.
Also Zoidberg. Look, everyone wants to be like Germany, but do we really have the pure strength of ‘will’? What’s with you kids? Every other day it’s food, food, food. Alright, I’ll get you some stupid food.
But I know you in the future. I cleaned your poop. Our love isn’t any different from yours, except it’s hotter, because I’m involved. I guess because my parents keep telling me to be more ladylike. As though!
It’s a T. It goes “tuh”.
Yes, I saw. You were doing well, until everyone died.
My fellow Earthicans, as I have explained in my book ‘Earth in the Balance”, and the much more popular ”Harry Potter and the Balance of Earth’, we need to defend our planet against pollution. Also dark wizards.
Dr. Zoidberg, that doesn’t make sense. But, okay! Hi, I’m a naughty nurse, and I really need someone to talk to. $9.95 a minute. That’s a popular name today. Little “e”, big “B”? Or a guy who burns down a bar for the insurance money!
Fry, we have a crate to deliver. OK, this has gotta stop. I’m going to remind Fry of his humanity the way only a woman can. I don’t ‘need’ to drink. I can quit anytime I want! Hey, tell me something. You’ve got all this money. How come you always dress like you’re doing your laundry?
And I’m his friend Jesus.
Whoa a real live robot; or is that some kind of cheesy New Year’s costume?
Kif might!
Take me to your leader! Alright, let’s mafia things up a bit. Joey, burn down the ship. Clamps, burn down the crew. That could be ‘my’ beautiful soul sitting naked on a couch. If I could just learn to play this stupid thing.
Dr. Zoidberg, that doesn’t make sense. But, okay! Hey! I’m a porno-dealing monster, what do I care what you think? Morbo can’t understand his teleprompter because he forgot how you say that letter that’s shaped like a man wearing a hat.
Soon enough. No, just a regular mistake. That’s a popular name today. Little “e”, big “B”? You’ve killed me! Oh, you’ve killed me! And remember, don’t do anything that affects anything, unless it turns out you were supposed to, in which case, for the love of God, don’t not do it!
Fetal stemcells, aren’t those controversial? I’ll tell them you went down prying the wedding ring off his cold, dead finger. Morbo can’t understand his teleprompter because he forgot how you say that letter that’s shaped like a man wearing a hat.
How much did you make me? You guys aren’t Santa! You’re not even robots. How dare you lie in front of Jesus? Michelle, I don’t regret this, but I both rue and lament it. Is today’s hectic lifestyle making you tense and impatient?
I love you, buddy! Professor, make a woman out of me. Oh right. I forgot about the battle. Guess again.
But existing is basically all I do! What kind of a father would I be if I said no? Kif, I have mated with a woman. Inform the men. Tell her she looks thin. Michelle, I don’t regret this, but I both rue and lament it.
Why, those are the Grunka-Lunkas! They work here in the Slurm factory. What’s with you kids? Every other day it’s food, food, food. Alright, I’ll get you some stupid food. Who are those horrible orange men?
No! Don’t jump! Good news, everyone! There’s a report on TV with some very bad news! I suppose I could part with ‘one’ and still be feared… Bender?! You stole the atom.
Soothe us with sweet lies. I daresay that Fry has discovered the smelliest object in the known universe! Tell them I hate them. Just once I’d like to eat dinner with a celebrity who isn’t bound and gagged.
But I know you in the future. I cleaned your poop. Aww, it’s true. I’ve been hiding it for so long. Have you ever tried just turning off the TV, sitting down with your children, and hitting them? They’re like sex, except I’m having them!